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Mkhanyiseli Primary School is located in the Nyanga township, a suburb of Cape Town, South Africa. According to the 2011 South African census, 31% of those aged 20 years and older have completed Grade 12 or higher, 55% of the labor force (aged 15 to 64) is employed, 74% of households have a monthly income of R3 200 (USD250). Considered a 'low income-based' suburb, many of the families have difficulty buying uniforms and shoes for their school-aged children. ​​ Since 2012, the Fund has donated thousands of school shoes and uniforms to Mkhanyiseli, and so far in 2018, 73 uniforms were donated and 102 pairs of shoes. We use a local vendor in Nyanga Terminus (local taxi and bus depot) to make the uniforms to increase economic capacity in the Nyanga. Thankfully, due to donations in April, the Fund was also able to sponsor a needed 5000L water tank to combat the water shortage in Cape Town. We appreciate the love and support to provide students (learners) with a token of encouragement to help them achieve their educational goals. All donations are welcomed, big or small. For more information, please contact us at


​ Citation: Statistics South Africa. City of Cape Town-2011 Census Suburb Nyanga. Version 2. Pretoria. Statistics South Africa, 2011. Cape Town, 2011.


The Donald White Memorial Fund was initially established in 2012 to honor Donald White, a career educator in the United States of America and father of Co-Founder and Director, Dr. Takiyah White Ndwanya. 

Useful Links:

Contact Us:

+27.73.655.3503 (RSA)

+1.703.899.3645 (USA)

South African Address:

31 Steve Karnovetz, KTC, Cape Town, South Africa 7750

USA Address:

1827 Cornerbrook Court Indianapolis, Indiana (USA) ​

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United States of America NPO#26053573002957

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Republic of South Africa NPO#226-710

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